Friday, December 30, 2011

Are we on the right track?

Being in a relationship is a risk we subconsciously take. We expose our vulnerability yet trusting the other person not to take advantage of it. We are taking the road we are not even sure where it is leading. We are happy with the uncertainty. The question is, are you willing to go on trudging with that person you are with at the moment?

Problems come up in every relationship. But from time to time, we  reach the point where we question ourselves if our relationship is worth saving or if the person we are with is worth fighting for.

The following questions are designed to help people put their relationship into perspective - to help individuals determine what's positive about a relationship and what might be an area of concern. 

*If you had to create a short list of people you could spend the day with, would your partner be on that list? Do you genuinely enjoy each other's company? Do you laugh when you’re together?

*Do you have the same values, goals and interests? Do you and your partner enjoy doing the same things? Do the two of you want the same things out of life? 

*Do you express a lot of affection and appreciation for each other? Or is there mostly indifference, negativity and hostility in your relationship?

*Does your partner make you feel understood? Does your partner try to see your point of view? When discussing things, does your partner listen to what you have to say?

*Is your relationship based on fairness? Does your partner see you as an equal? Do you feel you are treated with respect? Or do you feel used, exploited, or taken for granted?

*Do you feel that your partner will be there for you in a time of need? Can you count on your partner for help when the going gets tough?

*Do you feel comfortable sharing your innermost thoughts with your partner? How easy is it for you to talk to your partner about sensitive issues?

*When you disagree with each other, do the two of you work together and try to resolve your differences? Or is there a lot of hostility, disregard and contempt when disagreements arise? 

*Does your partner satisfy you sexually? Do you have sex on a regular basis? Or are you disappointed or frustrated with your sex life?


Please have you and your partner answer these questions fairly. Honesty hurts but it can save  an almost broken relationship.

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